Print and mail to:
National Indian Wars Association Inc.
1707 Bates Ct. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362



(__)  I wish to join the National Indian Wars Association, Inc. and help preserve a part of our American heritage.  Please find enclosed my tax deductible annual dues of $20.00 which will entitle me to a NIWA Certificate of Membership, the NIWA quarterly "Dispatch" (print from website), an identification card, notice of all NIWA activities, and a NIWA decal.

Name:  _______________________________________________________

Birthdate: __________________________________  Age: _____________

Address:  _____________________________________________________

City:  _____________________________  State:  ______  Zip:  _________

Phone Number:  ____________________  Email:  _____________________

Web Page (URL):  ______________________________________________

Regiment:  ____________________  Troop/Co./Btry:  _________________

Areas of Interest (Please check all that apply)

NIWA Supporter Military Re-enactor
Indian Researcher Cavalry (horse ownership not required)
Dance Re-enactor Infantry
Military Researcher Light Artillery
General Researcher Scouts
Public Speaker Indian Re-enactor
Author Medical Department
Artist Springfield 45-70 Matches
Other (please list below) Hobbies (please list below)
_______________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________





Name:  _______________________________________________________

Birthdate: __________________________________  Age: _____________

Address:  _____________________________________________________

City:  _____________________________  State:  ______  Zip:  _________

Home Phone:  __________________  Work Phone:  __________________


Know all men by their presence, that (your name) _______________________________________ does hereby for all heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, fully and forever release and discharge the said NATIONAL INDIAN WARS ASSOCIATION, INC. (all or  part), and with the full knowledge of both (your name) _______________________________________ and the NATIONAL INDIAN WARS ASSOCIATION, INC. (all or part) that there is a possibility of injuries to his or her anatomy, of and from all claims, demands, damages, right of action and causes of action, on account of either known or unknown, concealed or hidden, external or internal, personal, physical or mental or nervous injuries or disease, or damage to any portion of his or her anatomy, or damage to personal property of whatsoever description resulting, or which could or may result from an accident or anything which occurred.  I further release them from all suits, debts, dues, sum of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, judgments, executions, claims and demands whatsoever in law of equity.

It is further understood and agreed that this full and final release is intended to cover and does cover all and any future injuries not known to either party hereto, or which may later develop, or be discovered, including the effects or consequences thereof and including all causes of action thereof.

I understand that this is a compromise settlement without any admission of liability on the part of the NATIONAL INDIAN WARS ASSOCIATION, INC. (all or part).  I further understand in executing this release that participation in the NATIONAL INDIAN WARS ASSOCIATION, INC. activities includes, but is not limited to, the reenactment of battle(s) between opposing forces under situations closely approximating actual battles and utilizing black powder, small arms, artillery and swords.  Additionally, mounted and dismounted maneuvership drills and battles will be utilized.

Executed at _________________________________________ this ___________ day of _______________________


Signed __________________________________________________


National Indian Wars Association